Wednesday, March 30, 2011


So I stayed a good 2-3 weeks with no internet when I first arrived here in OZ, and consequently I forgot my password for this account, and now it has been 4 months since I've last blogged! Man, there is not enough room on the internet to fill everybody in on what has been happening the past 4 months! 

I've arrived here in Sydney on January 14th, and I was completely overwhelmed with love. I've never met so many people that just place love on everybody like here at Hillsong College. Everybody is so nice, and kind, and welcoming, it's so easy to just let go and be yourself. I honestly have the best flatmates in the world, Steve Ribe, Zach Lopez, and Kyle Bowen (all Americans btw).  

Australia is just beautiful, the beaches are amazing, the people are so warm and friendly, and everybody here is just so beautiful. The only negative of Australia is when you're walking back home on a beautiful, sunny Sunday morning, after an amazing church service, and as you're walking by the park next to your apartments, you see these topless girls just chilling and getting a tan. I guess doing topless here is a normal, I think I'll try it sometime. 

Hillsong Church is unlike anything I've ever experienced. I've never experienced a church that is so selfless and solely focused on just people. The first thing that I learned when I got here was, if you want to be in ministry, you just have to love people, and man, they do a good job on that! 

So, as far as updates go, that's about it. 
I promise to be alot more diligent with my blogging from now on =)